Tennis legend Serena Williams gives birth to baby girl

Serena Williams gives birth to baby girl at hospital in Palm Beach, Florida. The tennis legend is now engaged to Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian. Her has already played in two pro-tennis tournaments this year
Serena Williams has welcomed her first child with her fiancé, Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian, a source close to the tennis legend told Us Weekly.
The 35-year-old reportedly gave birth to a baby girl at a hospital in Palm Beach, Florida, on Friday, September 1.
Tennis legend Serena Williams gives birth to baby girl
Williams accidentally announced her pregnancy in a Snapchat photo on April 19. She posted a selfie that showed off her tiny baby bump, writing that she was “20 weeks” pregnant.
Williams and 34-year-old Ohania got engaged in December 2016 and the pair have yet to announce a wedding date.
The tennis star played in two tournaments this season before going on sabbatical, including winning the Australian Open by defeating her sister, Venus Williams, in the final.
Tennis legend Serena Williams gives birth to baby girl Tennis legend Serena Williams gives birth to baby girl Reviewed by Unknown on September 04, 2017 Rating: 5

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