All these whiles i have tried to be tranquil but my mind kept fluttering as to why I'm still serene in issues i can at least address with words.
Though I'm dwindling still in my government asinine but i have been across articles and history books and i have read with acatalectic disgust just to fathom what is happening and where we are heading,that's if we had a destination even.
It all started as a simple alteration when the APC were canvassing us into their so called "change" and a good number of us that have calumniated the former government gave in to this sugar-coated deception and now this change has metamorphosed into a crappy, reprehensible and repulsive situation or country per se.
Where will we even start and where will we stop so that in the end our rages will be subsided? I dare say that its not possible. Starting from president Buhari's appointments,his intents for this country became blatant enough but the literate yet mental children majority looked down at it. His nepotism and cronyism came to play,his marginalization and seizure of rights became ambiguous and yet we kept mute.
They came for change,having calumniated GEJ for being a corrupt,if not the most corrupt leader and their change became an ethnic-centered one. Now who is corrupt? Under the corrupt GEJ,we had our rights protected,though some absurdities and inevitabilities crept in,they are bound to anyway,not only that,an average Nigerian can afford a living standard:eat well,send children to school,help the neighbors,etc but now the reverse is the case. Under GEJ as they had it,there were a plethora of loots but Nigerians were still living fine,under him,there were freedom of speech for the masses and the press had theirs too but what is our fate now? Being led by a saint now and God being on our side and so kind to us,the change is here and we are enjoying it,hope you can relate?
Read also: UN speech why Buhari was silent on IPOB
Under saint Buhari,mass loots have been recovered but where are they? Do you know? I don't know either,we only heard the news. The press has been muted with oaths of secrecy and the so called ethnic and biased ministers spreading the debilitating lies and deception as they wish. We have been in recession but the recovered loots should have gotten us out of it but what has it done? Making the ministers billionaires and their children abroad graduates. Is it not just time we became aware that we have been duped,deceived and charmed?
The southern and southeast zones are not part of the country, yet you deprive them their referendum. Marginalization to you is not corruption but peaceful and unarmed protest by IPOB has lately been declared an act of terrorism and now,the IPOB to you are terrorists. This same APC led government has refused to declare Boko haram a terrorist group,even when the UN wanted to do so,they prevented that saying that its unconstitutional and the recently amended constitution of Nigeria has included the "python dance" for the marginalized southeast. They are no longer Nigerian military but Buhari's military men on special task which is to dehumanise,alienate and slay unarmed civilians questing for their freedom since the country no longer identify with them. This is homicidal and murderous and the government has been fueling these atrocities. The game of the so called python dance is repulsive,reprehensible and barbaric,it can never be accepted by any right-minded and self-respecting citizen or country,neither can it be accepted in any part of the world and the worst part is that you can't stop agitation with guns,sticks,drinking of mud waters and so on,you can hinder agitation but can you stop revolution? All these shedding of blood of unarmed and innocent civilians don't and can never go like that because the blood of the martyrs wasn't just forgotten by God,at the appointed time He revenged on their behalf and just at the appointed time these blood of butchered IPOB members will revenge for their cause and that will be fatal,so i urge every concerned figure to drop guns and resort to dialogue before it gets late and if i may quote FFK,he said and i quote"the shedding of innocent blood energizes, spreads and fortifies the cause for which it was shed" so i think the best way to subside these happenings is to drop guns first and face dialogue.
Lastly,the social media should be an instrument of hate speech by leaders,ministers or the led. A good number of us have been making this media worth its intents by making supports toward what we are going through and i applaud them all for their good works as we keep praying to the good Lord to intervene for us.
Lastly,let me end with the words of a great writer and literary icon,Wole Soyinka who said" the man dies all who keep silent in the face of tyranny" so lets tell the world that we aren't comfortable,lets tell the government that their alienation is the unconstitutional part of the story and never the agitations and lets tell them that its not all about carrying guns but knowing how and when to use it.....The words of the mouth can kill more than the most expensive and deadly gun and with our collective efforts we will make it all a story some day..
I urge us all not to be weary or faint in this battle because surely we will win,i charge us all to be strong and ever willing to accommodate changes and to be pertinent amidst all fates...Thank you all.
Operation Python dance - Buhari's Change Mantra
Reviewed by Unknown
September 22, 2017
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